New York Personal Injury Lawyer Devoted to Maximizing Each Client’s Compensation for Their Injuries
Our New York Personal Injury Lawyer is devoted to maximizing the money damages that each of our clients receive for their injuries. We are proud of our extensive experience in New York personal injury litigation and our dedication to each client’s accident case. Although no lawyer can promise that they will obtain the maximum monetary recovery for an injury victim, we promise to work tirelessly to obtain justice for our clients who are seriously injured in New York accidents. We strive to achieve the best possible results for our clients who are seriously injured, as well as for the families of accident victims who lost their lives due to accidental injuries.
Experienced New York Personal Injury Lawyer
Michael W. Goldstein is a New York personal injury lawyer zealously representing accident victims throughout New York State since 1979. As a highly experienced New York Personal Injury Lawyer, he aggressively fights for accident victims seriously injured in car accidents, hit & run accidents, motor vehicle collisions caused by uninsured or underinsured motorists, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents, rollerblade accidents, trip and fall accidents, slip and fall accidents, premises accidents, construction site accidents, wrongful death accidents, and other accidents caused by a defendant’s negligence in New York City, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Rockland County, Westchester County, and upstate New York.
Aggressive New York Personal Injury Lawyer Representing Accident Victims
As an aggressive and talented New York Personal Injury Lawyer, all of our personal injury litigation is currently devoted to representing injured plaintiffs. Our Personal Injury Lawyer represents seriously injured victims of accidents caused by the negligence, carelessness or other fault of motorists, vehicle owners, property owners, owners of retail stores, restaurants and other businesses, owners or managing agents of apartment buildings, and individuals and companies responsible for operating, maintaining or repairing other types of premises.
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Experienced in Both Plaintiffs’ And Defendants’ Strategies
Currently, and for many years, our personal injury practice has been almost exclusively on the plaintiff’s side, representing accident victims. In the past, however, our New York Personal Injury Lawyer has been retained by several insurance companies, as well as the New York State Insurance Department Liquidation Bureau in the defense of New York accident cases. Furthermore, we have represented several uninsured or underinsured defendants in personal injury lawsuits arising out of motor vehicle accidents and premises accidents.
Our negligence defense clients have included property owners sued for accidental injuries, contractors sued for personal injuries sustained at construction sites, a wholesaler sued for personal injuries sustained at a produce market, a contractor sued for significant property damage to an adjacent building arising out of construction site activities, a contractor sued for significant losses sustained by a property owner constructing a building due to improper asbestos removal by another subcontractor, etc.
When you select our New York Personal Injury Lawyer to represent you for your New York accident case, you benefit from our many years of varied negligence experience, representing plaintiffs as well as defendants. This experience gives us the tactical advantage gained from knowing both plaintiffs’ and defendants’ strategies.
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Experienced in Many Types of Accidental Injuries
As a NY Personal Injury Lawyer since 1979, our vast personal injury litigation experience has afforded us the opportunity to represent injured plaintiffs in numerous types of accident cases. Our NY Personal Injury Lawyer represents victims of accidental injuries caused by typical accidents (car accidents, trip and fall accidents, etc.), as well as injuries caused by more unusual occurrences resulting from defendants’ negligence. For a more detailed discussion of the various types of accidental injury cases we accept, please click Areas of Practice.
Personal Injury Lawyer Case Management System
All personal injury cases in our office are entered in a computer case management system, which we have customized to best serve our practice. This system insures immediate access to all aspects of each client’s accident case. This enables us to provide accurate and timely information to each client, and to timely respond to requests made by treating physicians, defense attorneys, insurance companies, and the court. Also, our system expedites the preparation of letters, forms and legal documents, thereby assuring timely service and filing of important documents.
Useful Information In Our Personal Injury Lawyer Website
Our New York Personal Injury Lawyer website is intended to provide general information to assist our visitors in understanding their rights under New York law, and to provide practical information for people seriously injured as a result of a New York accident. Topics discussed generally in this website may include legal and practical issues such as Injured Victim’s Rights, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, Personal Injury Guidelines, Document Deadlines, and a Glossary, all relating to personal injury litigation arising out of New York car accidents, NY motor vehicle collisions, New York auto accidents, New York hit & run accidents, NY uninsured or underinsured motorist claims, MVAIC claims, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents, roller blade accidents, trip and fall accidents, slip and fall injuries, premises accidents, on the job injuries, construction site accidents, and other New York accident cases involving serious personal injuries or accidental death or wrongful death, caused by a defendant’s negligence or carelessness in operating a motor vehicle, or in owning, operating, repairing, maintaining, or cleaning property.
Free Confidential Consultation With our New York Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been seriously injured due to an accident, and would like to discuss your case with a New York Personal Injury Lawyer, call our office for a free confidential consultation, or click Contact Us.
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Disclaimer
Visiting our website, submitting any information via questionnaire or email, or discussing your case with us does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with our law firm can only be established with the signing of a written retainer agreement prepared by our law firm.
Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case or legal matter.
The legal information provided by our NY Personal Injury Lawyer in this website is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor to create an attorney-client relationship or lawyer-client relationship. We recommend that you discuss your accident case with a New York Personal Injury Lawyer promptly, since there are strict time limitations that apply to New York accident cases.
This website is not intended to solicit clients for accident cases outside of New York State. However, our New York Personal Injury Lawyer does represent accident victims who live outside of New York, who sustained fractures or other serious injuries in a motor vehicle collision, hit & run accident, uninsured motorist accident, under-insured motorist collision, motorcycle collision, pedestrian accident, bicycle accident, roller blade accident, in-line skating accident, premises accident, trip & fall accident, construction site accident, or on the job accident that occurred in New York State.
Our New York Personal Injury Lawyer represents accident victims in New York City, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Westchester County, Rockland County and upstate New York.
Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein
New York Personal Injury Lawyer
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